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Vastu Tips -Effects and Remedies for Shape of Building

Better Home Vastu Tips -Vastu Effects & Remedies for Building Shapes

Practical Vastu for Homes in USA - Scientific Vastu Shastra Tips for Houses in America. - Part 6 - Vastu House Shapes & Building Roof Design

Continued from Part 5- Directional Slope for Plots,  15 + practical tips for better Vastu Compliance for homes in USA

# 6 - Vastu Building Shapes, Roof Design - USA

In the previous sections, we reviewed the importance of plot shape, directions and topography when you build or buy a house/building/office.

In this section, we will review the importance of building shapes and rooflines and remedies in Vastu Shastra. (Published - Aug. 29, 2021)

What shape is best for a Vastu compliant home or house ?

Considering the fact that you have seen hundreds of articles touting the best shape for a Vastu compliant house as square or rectangle, you will have some doubts about living in a non-square building or building shape with extensions or cuts along the sides or corners. There are a lot of articles written on the importance of building shapes in Vasthu Shastra but few that addresses the challenges for homes in USA.

The ideal shape and resulting roofline of a house should be matching the type of house being built and the direction of the house. The one missing piece in all Vastu articles is that the shape of house or building need not be a rectangle or square.  Without properly classifying a house shape, the so-called online articles discuss houses as belonging to "Eka Shaala" type and gives out remedies.  The type of houses in square or rectangular shapes are called "EkaShaala" per design.

Vastu Construction of L or C or U Shaped Buildings

A house can be "L" shaped which is called "DwiShaala ( 2 sides or facing 2 directions)" . A home or building that is shaped like "U" or "C" is called "ThriShaala (3 sides)". And a house that has (an open) courtyard in the middle portion is called "ChathurShaala" or "Chatush Shala (4 sides)". 

To answer "which house shape is the best for Vastu compliance" is akin to answering which car should I buy? It depends. All new or running cars are good in taking you from point A to point B but the cost and maintenance vary vastly from one another. Similarly, if you are buying a house or custom designing a home (or any building , you have a lot of options based on what you decide to have and what you are willing to live with. If the house shape is not a square or rectangle, an expert Vasthu consultant can assist you with practical Vastu shape remedies and alleviate the negative effects of the bad design or construction. If we can't provide satisfactory remedial results with a house or building under our evaluation, we will ask you to move on and look for some other property.

Vastu Shastra - Shape of Building Matters for Residents or Occupants

Most houses in USA can be classified as one of the first 3 kinds mentioned above, based on the design, if implemented properly, with "EkaShaala" home designs making for around 80% of them.  The rules for "EkaShaala" houses are the ones that you see and read every where - roof should be higher on the South West corner, house elevation should be lower in North East corner etc.. You should ensure that what you read or hear matches the shape and direction of your house or building. At VastuTruth, we do custom home designs for clients across USA and we do "TriShaala" designs and a few "DwiShaala" designs along with a majority of "EkaShaala" designs.

Whenever a house shape is evaluated for Vastu compliance, we review it according to direction and topography of the plot and the structure, shape of building, nature of building use, occupants, and overall design factors before calculating the positive benefits or negative effects on residents/occupants. The analysis for an office building (which is sparingly occupied) will not be the same as a house for its residents.

Vastu Shastra Effect of Building Shapes and Roofline
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Vastu of Building Shapes, Structures - Vastu Effects on Residents

All building shapes which are misaligned to cardinal directions and above 4 classification rules will have some effects from minimal to worse based on the shape of the house, roofline, and direction of the house/structure. This is a very detailed subject to explain all possible permutation combinations and hence you should check with an experienced Vastu Consultant , with property details under review.

What should you do if house is not as per Vastu?

If you have the slightest doubt that something is not working right in your house or building for the occupants, you should seek professional help. When you or a family member is not well; you will not call a doctor, explain that you have 102 degree fever, and ask for medications over the phone. Even if you make such a call, the right doctor would ask you to go to the nearest clinic or physician and get a checkup. Similarly, when we get dozens of calls daily for over the phone remedies, we advice people to get proper consultation from a qualified Vastu Shastra consultant in USA with all details of property under consideration.

If you have questions like "which shape is good for a house", "does shape of building matters for residents", "what is the effect of shape of the buildings", "what are remedies for irregularly shaped houses", "which shape of land is not suitable for planning", "which building shape is auspicious", "which house shape is bad",  "is L shape land good or bad", "what are the Vastu remedies for irregularly shaped homes",  "what are the Vastu issues with different shapes", "what  to do if house is not as per Vastu" etc., you should  contact an expert vastu consultant for further assistance.  We are doing this blog to give answers on "Vastu tips for building",  "effects and remedies for irregularly shaped houses",  "Vaastu Shastra shape for buildings", "Vastu Design guidelines for a Vastu home", "shape of the structures" and similar queries.

Vastu Building Shape -Roofline

Vastu Corrections & Remedies For Irregular Shaped Houses

If you have a situation where you need proper Vastu guidance to fixing your building and implement scientific remedies, please contact an expert Vastu Consultant near you with extensive experience serving USA and North American clients exclusively. Please email or call us for assistance.

Which side of house should be higher as per Vastu?

A very common concern for many Vastu clients is how to make the South West corner of a house or property raised as mentioned in many Vastu articles. For a client buying a traditional single family home or townhouse in USA, the answer is straight forward. Unless you are living in a  concrete building or a ranch house (1,5 story building) or one with a commercial grade flat roof, it is next to impossible to have a higher South West corner for homes in Americas.  There is a scientific reason why Vastu Shastra recommends a higher South West elevation for a house or building in Northern hemisphere of the earth - to provide shade to rest of the building in the afternoon from the scorching heat rays from South West direction. If you do not get proper explanation about the science behind this principle, you will be doing expensive or useless tricks to correct the problem. Similarly, irregular shapes of houses should be fixed according to Vastu engineering principles based on type of building.

At VastuTruth, we are not in the business of up-selling products as remedies. After every consultation, you will get a customized report explaining what you need to do to achieve the deserving level of vastu compliance for your property, which you would implement on your own.   It costs you a tiny fraction of the cost of a building / property, to avail of your local Vastu expert consultant services, to make the right choices in your most valuable investments of a lifetime.

Vastu Review Report with Building Shape Remedies, USA

# 8 - Vastu Principles for Pools, Fountains, Water Elements near a Building

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Read a recent testimonial from one of our clients in USA. Client details and location are removed for confidentiality.

 "Dr. Kumar is now more of a family to us. His knowledge of Vastu is exceptional. He sets high standards and would not recommend a house that he will not buy for his family. He takes Vastu and home buying process seriously. He is practical and yet a purist. He takes a holistic 360 degree approach to home buying not just seeing if a house fits Vastu. He will be a guide, mentor and a friend. We all left our families in India to come here. This is our first home and we don't have lot of connections in US. Dr. Kumar realized it and guided us in each step of the way to make we were not taken advantage of. It's not everyday that you meet a pure soul like Dr. Kumar. Stop thinking. Go for it."

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