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Continued from Part 4- Vastu Purusha Mandala, 15 + practical tips for better Vastu Compliance for homes in USA
In the previous sections, we reviewed Vastu Purusha Mandala, the relevant details, and baseline in designing or remodeling a building.
In this section, we will review the importance of property topography or plot sloping directions and their corrections in Vastu Shastra. (Published - Aug. 29, 2021)
There is a plethora of articles about directional sloping of plots and water flow directions in Vastu Shastra, published online, in blogs, and in featured articles. The so called "authoritative" explanations about how the water should flow around a plot and what all adversaries could happen to the owner/resident on the plot are very scary for any one reading these articles. And we get frantic calls from people saying that the South West corner of their house or plot is not higher than other corners of the property and that family members are losing sleep over this fact (while there are many other important things in life to focus one).
As per Vastu Shastra principles, an "ideal Vastu compliant plot or property" should have South West corner as the highest point in the property, followed by South East, North West, and finally North East as the lowest point. This is the theoretical version for land slope and many a time not the practical one in life in USA (United States, Canada or North America) . There are definitely some benefits (health-wise advantages for residents on the property translating to overall financial prosperity) to this kind of leveling or ideal topography of the land.
In Northern hemisphere of the Earth, we get a lot of afternoon sunlight with not so good health benefits, which can be obstructed from falling on the house with tall trees in South West corner of the plot. Also, a lower North East corner will help to make that area more moist than all other corners of the property, which in turn helps to make the air quality better around the building through out the day. So when a property slopes from South West to North East, rain water would naturally flow to the North East corner as per ideal Vastu plot topography. On the other hand, we do not connect drainage pipes or sewer lines in this direction. For effluents or dirty water drainage away from the home or building, there are certain dedicated areas around the house which can be utilized as part of Custom Vastu Design process. The complete explanation for the right plot topography and its health benefits will need a long lecture by itself and your expert Vastu consultant can help you with water flow direction slope remedies of your property.
We are not saying it is impossible to level the plot and make it as ideal for the house construction, by the Vastu Shastra principles (or by the books), but the practical aspect of it is very difficult for most people. For example, if you are buying a plot to build a house in a builder developed community or sub-division in America, the plots are already divided, roads are built, and drainage infrastructure is decided per the area terrain. So if you are going to choose a plot and build a house in USA, the developer or home builder and city or local county (parish) officials are not going to let you alter the topography and make South West corner as highest areas and North East as lowest corner. That does not mean you can't correct the plot with in reasonable limits. You need the scientific evaluation and services of an expert Vastu Consultant who understands the US topography and building patterns to help you work out a solution for this plot slope problem.
And most or almost all of the newer houses in USA are built on a slab foundation, which requires the slab to be placed at a higher elevation than surrounding land for draining water away from the building. This gets complicated when you deal with Vastu for houses that have basements or crawlspaces. This kind of construction is somewhat similar to "Koorma" or "Turtle/tortoise" structures with center portion of plot raised, which is also mentioned in Vastu Shastra principles. If you are using older pier and beam homes, then also the water should be drained away from the house.
On the other hand, if you are looking for an already built house (older houses or lived-in home) in USA or currently living in such a house, you can't easily change the topography of the plot just to follow the Vasthu principles and improve your life or overall prosperity overnight. We have seen people dumping dirt in the South West corner to make the land elevated, putting heavy stones in South and West corners of the plot and house to make that area heavier, building stone walls on South side and filling it with soil etc.. Some of the online articles and Vastu books recommend putting lead blocks in the South West corner of the plots to make that area more heavy over North East corner and fix Vastu non-compliance issues with plot. Please do not follow these kinds of impractical advice and NEVER attempt this in USA as you could even be arrested for lead poisoning of ground and natural resources. The people who follow incorrect advice for plot leveling and out of the world tactics for quick prosperity are misguided and not properly understanding the science behind these Vaastu principles. Please refrain from making these types of costly mistakes for Vastu remedies, based on just what you hear and read.
If you have questions like -"why are slopes important in Vastu Shastra plots", "what are Vastu tips for slopes and rain water flow", "why are property slopes important in Vastu Shastra", "how can we correct a wrong slope for land", "what are the Vaastu rules for sloping of roofs", what is the Vastu Remediation for drainage water flowing in wrong directions", "which side of house or plot should be higher", "what should be the slope of the house", "how do I fix the slopes of me house", "which slopes will give us money and prosperity", "which is the best slope", "which slope will drain our money or have ill effects" - then read this and remaining sections thoroughly and contact an expert vastu consultant for further assistance.
You will also find answers to "effects of directional slopes", "Vastu principles for plots and slopes", "Vaastu topography", "the right land slope direction for good vastu", "vasthu slope towards all four sides", "Vastu soil grading principles", "proper grading around homes", "Vastu for water outlets", "vastu for rain gutters", "Indian Vastu Shastra for drainage direction", "vastu for pipelines", "Vastu shastra for waste water", "effects of directional slopes", "Vastu for the roof slope", "Vastu tips for plot levels and rainwater flow", "Vastu remedies for wrong slope of land and building roofs", "choose the right land slope direction for good vastu compliance", "effects of having a house with multiple slope roof", "Vastu site slope", "best Vastu tips for plot leveling", "rainwater drain vastu", "north to south slope vastu", "west to east slope vastu", "east to west slope vastu", "north to south slope vastu", "slope towards south vastu remedies", "bathroom water flow as per vastu", "north-west slope vastu remedies", "southeast slope remedies per vastu", "south-west slope vastu remedies", through this article and further consultation with VastuTruth.
It is necessary to understand that one of the basic principles of Vastu Shastra is that all plots regardless of the shape should be corrected to a rectangular or square shape aligned to cardinal directions and proper grading applied to that section before planning the house construction. This is impractical in USA for most properties unless you are buying a large plot to do necessary corrections or lucky enough to get the right property with the correct grading to build according to Vastu Shastra. Those who are buying in already developed properties or existing homes in USA have very limited scientific remedies to improvise the plot drainage for better Vastu compliance, as all improvisations are subject to local regulations and home owners association rules (if HOA exists in your community). Vastu Shastra compliance is important and you should give due attention to various principles according to their importance and practicality in USA.
You can use french drains to direct rain water to the right direction, provided you can divert all water safely from your property and per city guidelines. There is very little that you can do to alter the sewage pipe direction or water outlets from the house, unless you are building from ground up and the builder allows you to change the plumbing lines.
For grading the land and correcting the slopes (from non-compliant to reasonable or acceptable compliance levels), you should get proper Vastu consultant advice. There is no single answer for plot slope correction and it varies by property based on what is already there or being built and neighboring topography. So you should check with an experienced Vastu Consultant in USA, when you have questions about your property that you own or plan to buy and build.
If you have a situation where you need proper Vastu guidance to fixing your plot or property and implement scientific remedies, please contact an expert Vastu Consulting firm with extensive experience serving USA and North American clients exclusively. We will review the property and give practical options to improvise them based on your locality.
At VastuTruth, we are not in the business of up-selling products as remedies. We review every plot/property/building as our own and check what is the best scientific and practical engineering remedy possible to improve the well being of residents or owner(s). If the property is beyond reasonable means of any improvements, we will tell you the truth rather than prescribe any unsatisfactory remedial measures. After every consultation, you will get a customized report explaining what you need to do to achieve the deserving level of vastu compliance for your property, which you would implement on your own. If the plot is not worth buying, we will explain that in lieu of the report.
It costs you a tiny fraction of the cost of a building / property, to avail of our expert consultant services.
VastuTruth focuses only on Vastu principles that are theoretically and practically proven to work in building designs in USA, based on science, past experiences, probability based on mathematical principles from a broader client base across the USA, and all statistical outliers even for well established Vastu Shastra principles, and using complex Vastu Compliance calculations.
Our Principal has spent close to 3 decades in USA as an Engineer and many years as a scientific Vastu Consultant with hundreds of clients in almost all US states., to make the right choices in your most valuable investments of a lifetime.
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Read a recent testimonial from one of our clients in USA. Client details and location are removed for confidentiality.
"When we have decided to buy a house I wanted to get an opinion on the vaastu of the house I liked the most, before we signed the contract. I came across VastuTruth website and contacted Mr.Kumar and requested him to help with our house vastu. It has been a great pleasure working with him. He is very detailed oriented person and always gives the best advise in the available options I have. Mr. Kumar has great expertise in providing vaastu consultation to properties in USA. I really liked the reason behind every single aspect of vaastu he explained to me in terms of science behind it. He is always available through email and phone to answer all my questions. His report after the consultation is very detail and very useful for future reference. I highly recommend Mr. Kumar as he has great experience with structure of USA properties and also he provides genuine consultation. Mr.Kumar, I really appreciate your help in evaluating our house vaastu."
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