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This second series of articles is published to help people in USA (United States of America) and North America in general to improve the effect of Vastu Shastra principles meant for houses (homes, apartments, residential buildings) and how they influence the Vastu compliance (based on a complex scale derived from these parameters).
(Published - Oct. 09, 2020)
If you do an internet search on “Vastu Shastra for house”, “Vastu tips for house” , “Vastu for home”, “perfect Vastu for home”, “is Vastu in USA same as in India” etc., you will find a long list of articles from various sites giving multiple interpretations and explanations of Vastu Shastra principles. Some of these are outright confusing and not practically relevant to people living in North American continent, especially USA. Having spent close to 3 decades in USA as an Engineer and a scientific Vastu Consultant with hundreds of clients in almost all states, this is a humble attempt to decipher the science and truth behind these Vaastu Shastra principles.
I review everything in the vast spectrum of Vastu Shastra principles from a technical perspective and make recommendations based on the scientific analysis and past experiences from doing evaluation of properties in almost all states of USA. This part of VastuTruth blog series will give my unbiased view points on getting better Vastu Compliance for homes in USA.
I will define Scientific Vastu as a set of Vastu principles based on the Vastu Shastra Architecture and Engineering treatise that will apply to all buildings built on a specific location or region or country and affects the people utilizing the living space, regardless of their faith or belief. With this definition, it will be more scientifically accurate to predict, define, and improvise the comfort and experiences of all human and living beings using these living spaces.
VastuTruth focuses only on Vastu principles that is theoretically and practically proven to work in building designs in USA, based on science, past experiences, and probability based on mathematical principles from a broader client base across the USA. I have taken consideration of statistical outliers even for well established Vastu Shastra principles, which we will review later in this article.
It is possible to follow Vastu principles in USA (Americas) for homes and offices. To know more about tips to build a fully compliant house according to Vastu Shastra, please contact VastuTruth. We can help you with plot selection and/or finding the best location and direction in any plot to build a custom house or office or building, along with complete floor plan design - measurements of building and rooms, position of rooms, perimeter Vaasthu, and whole nine yards.
If you are looking for “100% perfect Vastu Compliance for home” in USA, then it is possible only through custom design of house on a proper plot. VastuTruth has helped clients all over USA with up to 100% Vastu Compliant custom design homes with areas from 2000 sq.ft. to over 9000 sq.ft., on properties (plots) ranging from 6000 sq.ft. to 200 acres of land. It will be difficult to achieve maximum compliance when you are going with builder plans or stock designs, or buying already built homes or apartments.
We will discuss how to get a better (or maximum possible) Vastu Compliant home in USA over the following tips, spread over several pages.
Vastu Tip # 1 – Vastu Directions - Given below on this page.
Vastu Tip # 2 – Vastu Measurements
Vastu Tip # 3 - Vastu Shape of property/plot/exteriors
Vastu Tip # 4 – Vastu Purusha Mandala
Vastu Tip # 5 – Topography of the Plot
Vastu Tip # 6 – Shape of the Building
Vastu Tip # 7 – Relative Position of Rooms, Floorplan, Layout
Vastu Tip # 8 – Vastu for Swimming Pools, Fountains
Vastu Tip # 9 – Vastu for Homes with Basements
Vastu Tip # 10 – Kitchen Vastu
Vastu Tip # 11 – Bedroom Vastu
Vastu Tip # 12 – Pooja, Meditation, Prayer Room Vastu
Vastu Tip # 13 – Office Room, Study, Library Vastu
Vastu Tip # 14 – Outdoor Structures, Landscaping, Trees, Garden
Vastu Tip # 15 – Vastu for Interior Design, Furniture, Colors
Vastu Tip # 16 – Vastu for new Construction and Remodeling
Vastu Tip # 17 –Better Vastu Compliance Score
The first article in the VastuTruth – Vastu Tips Blog Series - Vastu Directions & Measurements – Tips- has been well received among the readers and Vastu enthusiasts in USA and around the World. Read this article first and then review the following diagram to know how the Vastu Direction of a building can be good, acceptable, or questionable.
Please read about the importance of directions in Vastu Shastra, how to measure Vastu Direction of the house, Vastu facing of home, vasthu for main door, Vaastu for east facing house, vasthu for north east facing home, Vastu for west facing house, Vastu for north west facing house, Vastu for south east facing house, Vastu for south facing house, Vaastu for West facing plot, vasthu for south west entrance, vasthu compass etc. in the above article. There will be lower quality experiences or issues based on homes or buildings that are not following the directional principles.
Please consult an experienced Vastu Consultant to review the effect of non-aligned properties.
Often times, people ask for helping to find their favorite or auspicious Vastu direction for buying property, houses, office buildings etc. Some people approach VastuTruth with queries like “my wife makes more money than I do and I want the house to favor her star”, “my astrological chart is going through a bad phase of life, so please suggest a good direction based on my son’s or daughter’s star”, or advice on “house facing based on rashi”, “house facing based on date of birth”, “which direction facing house is good for my name” etc..
The following explanation is based on the Vastu knowledge from authentic references, Vastu Shastra Gurus, and practical experience.
If you believe in astrology, you will understand that astrological effects on a person’s life varies based on the birth star, star pattern (Dasha) influence at various times of the year (years) over a human life cycle. No two persons will have the exactly identical astrological effects, though people will have some common experiences based on their birth star and patterns. In olden times, there used to be a primary breadwinner for the family – father or mother, grand parent, uncle etc., who used to have full control of the family and controls the finances and lively comforts of the entire household. One explanation was the house direction was meant to match the head of the household’s star to make their life comfortable and which in turn will protect or improve the living standards of the entire family.
In modern times, there will be more than one breadwinner in a household, and adults and younger ones are treated more or less equally, regardless of their contributions to family welfare. So, the practical option is to design a house compliant to one of the major cardinal directions based on Vastu Shastra principles and make it better for every one in a household, regardless of their stars/astrological guidance. Within a properly built Vastu compliant home, it will be easy to identify stronger areas for every one based on their star chart or recommend ideal position and direction for each type of activity. When we advise clients on Vastu directions, we try to explain all the pros and cons of blindly following the astrological stars or horoscope or numerology.
If you need help with expert Vastu Consultant advice, please contact VastuTruth.
If you are looking to buy a property or living in a property which is North East facing, North West facing, South East facing or South West facing in USA, please contact a qualified Vastu Expert and get it checked. If the property does not face one of the 4 cardinal directions, it should definitely be reviewed scientifically before you lease or buy or start using it. Please refer to the first image on this page. You have to get the accurate facing or direction calculated along with relative position of the various segments of the house and overall shape taken into account, before even considering such a property.
It costs you a tiny fraction of the cost of your next property to avail of our services, to make the right choices in your most valuable investment of a lifetime.
Please click proceed to Vastu House Tips - Measurements page.
Read a recent testimonial from one of our clients in USA. Client details and location are removed for confidentiality.
"We had a really smooth experience with Dr. Kumar's consulting. He was extremely patient with us considering how naive we were about the home buying process in this country. He went above and beyond his way to help us to choose our best home. In spite of his busy schedule, he was available at short notices to help us out. He was very proactive in getting the necessary data collected with minimal inputs from us and sharing professional Vastu reports. We are really really happy with the house we had finally chosen, and I would definitely recommend his service to our friends and family. " - Client, March 2021
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Dallas, TX, United States